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Tag Archives: barack

When we will allowed to speak freely again?

Its amazing that the communists, socialists, leftists and Obamabots STILL believe that the rich of today are rich because they stole from others or exploited others. Nowadays, the rich are rich because they provided a product or service that people want to buy. People WILLINGLY gave the “rich” person money for some product or service, or WILLINGLY went to work for that person or business. In business, no one is stolen from and no one is exploited. If an employee felt exploited, then they are free to get a job elsewhere. What right does the government have to steal from these “rich”. None.

Obama calls for a common ground on abortion. There is no common ground. What he CAN do is to step out of the debate. Government does not belong in the discussion AT ALL. Government has no say in the abortion debate. Not one taxpayer dollar should go to pro-life OR pro-choice organizations.

As the founders envisioned it: There is nothing wrong with America that removing a thousand layers of government won’t fix.

If you a) don’t want to tell people what to do b) keep your tax money, you are probably a libertarian and don’t even know it.

This is a sideshow people. Let’s not let this get in the way of stopping the dismantling of America.

The only “stress test” that is valid for businesses is the free market.

The Oprah KFC story makes me think that people like her and Obama are not the disease, but simply a symptom of the disease. The disease is our culture change away from self-reliance and personal responsibility and towards letting someone else (aka the nanny state) take care of things for me. Can’t we think for ourselves anymore?

Yes, folks, remember that 95% of Americans who are supposedly not going to pay a single dime in extra taxes? Well, watch cap and trade bring in the first “sin tax” doubling the price of gas. If you drive to work, you’re screwed. Thats probably 95% of Americans. And social programs are all well and good, but you have to pay for them somehow. I’d much rather know exactly how much I’m paying up front, instead of hidden in double the income tax, federal sales taxes, and higher taxes overall. Socialism drags you down into survival mode. That’s how they like you, beaten and subdued.

Did anyone catch Rush Limbaugh’s speech a few days ago at CPAC? Its good to see that the GOP has finally figured out that the way to get back into voters good books is to turn back to being the party of fiscal responsibility. Not once did Limbaugh or Jindal for that matter mention social conservatism. The reality of the political situation in this country is that its all well and good to be libertarian and vote for the libertarian party, but a third part can never win power in this country. The duopoly has made pretty damn sure of that. So unless we just want to keep talking about free speech and free markets (which is about as far as a third party can go) we need to infiltrate both the Democrat and Republican parties and infect them with the ideas of free speech, free markets and limited government. Its almost a good thing that the GOP got crushed in the last election – now they can rebuild themselves into a true more Goldwater conservative party – which is more like a true libertarian vision anyways. So my advice, infiltrate the GOP, infect all of their members with the free market virus, and for Gods sake, stop talking about things like stopping gay marriage, abortions and the like. Just stay out of that conversation by just not funding those programs with taxpayer money.